How hot is Paphos Cyprus in October?

How hot is Paphos Cyprus in October? Cyprus has lovely clear skies, and you'll get the very best of the island's weather when you're in Paphos. The average high's 27ºC in October, which cools to a pleasant 16ºC at night. The sea temperature's 24ºC, while humidity's low. Average rainfall's 18mm over three rainy days.

Is Cyprus or Greece warmer?

Cyprus benefits from higher temperatures, longer hours of sunshine and less rainfall than Greece at this time of year. The weather is perfect for exploring the rich culture of one of the oldest civilisations in the Mediterranean.

Is October a good time to go to Paphos?

Paphos enjoys a Mediterranean climate with long hot summers and relatively short mild winters. If you love to follow the sun the best time to go to Paphos is between June and October.

Which part of Cyprus is hottest in October?

That makes it very pleasant for swimming. The hottest place in October is Limassol on the south coast, with an average high of 27.3°C. Nicosia and Paphos also experience high temperatures in October, with average highs above 26°C.

Is it cold at night in Paphos in October?

Paphos Temperature in October During the day the temperature is 25-35 °C. At night the temperature drops to 15-25 °C. The chance of rain is less that 5%. On average, there are 2-3 rainy days in October.

Is Cyprus hotter than Turkey in October?

The warmest place in mainland Europe in October is Cyprus (26°C) followed by Malta (25ºC), Dalyan (25ºC) in southern Turkey and the Greek island of Kos (25ºC).

Is Cyprus cold at night in October?

The average temperature in Cyprus in October strikes a balance between warm days and cooler nights. You can expect highs around 26°C (78°F) during the day, providing a comfortable backdrop for outdoor fun. When the sun goes down, the temperature dips to around 14°C (57°F), creating cosy evenings for unwinding.

Are bars and restaurants open in Paphos in October?

Paphos is very much open in October the weather is usually warm sunny days and maybe a cardi at night although last year only needed one once. There are plenty are bars open with quite a few offering tribute acts and various singers.

What time does it get dark in Cyprus in October?

UV levels will be moderate, so you'll still need to bring plenty of sun cream and be careful in the midday sun. Sunrise is around 7am in October, while sunset's at 6.30pm at the start of the month, and gradually gets earlier until the end of daylight saving takes another hour off this.

Can you sunbathe in Paphos in October?

Can you sunbathe in Paphos in October? October is warm in Paphos. You may enjoy some beach or pool time in the day, but pack something a tad warmer for the evening.