How hot is Cala D or Majorca in September?

How hot is Cala D or Majorca in September? The average temperature in Cala d'Or this month is a warm 22°C, reaching highs of 26°C in the afternoons. UV levels are still high in September, so you'll need to apply sun cream regularly and drink lots of water. Around 50mm of rain's expected over the course of the month, but any showers are usually short and sharp.

What clothes to wear in Majorca in September?

When travelling in the cooler months (September-April), you should probably pack more layered items as it can get chilly on the island. Majorca is a popular beach destination, so you're going to want to take some swimwear for the beach or pool if your accommodation has one.

Is Cala D or Majorca lively?

The town attracts a mixed, international crowd of tourists and caters well for most groups. Here you will find lively entertainment during the summer months, but Cala d'Or does become much quieter in off-peak periods.

Is Majorca hotter than Tenerife?

Although Tenerife is on the same latitude as California, the prevailing Trade Winds ensure a pleasant breeze keeps temperatures spring-like twelve months a year. Mallorca on the other hand is on the same latitude as New York, colder in winter and hotter in summer than Tenerife.

Is Cala D or a party town?

PROS: This could be an advantage OR a disadvantage, but the nightlife in Cala d'Or isn't as lively as you would find elsewhere on the island in the busier resorts of Magaluf and Arenal. That's not to say though that you will not find a lively scene in Cala d'Or if you are looking for it.

Can you drink tap water in Mallorca Cala d Or?

Can you drink tap water in Mallorca, Spain? Yes, you can. The taste and flavour won't be as good as bottled water, for sure. But, in terms of health and safety, spanish tap water is complete and perfectly drinkable.

What is the beach like in Cala d Or?

Cala d'Or is made up of a number of small, sandy coves which share similar characteristics. They are deep rather than long and have clear turquoise water which contrasts beautifully with the low sandstone cliffs framing them.

What is Cala Dor known for?

Cala d'Or, situated in the south east of the Balearic island of Mallorca is famous for its Ibizan style architecture, natural coves with turquoise waters surrounded by pine forest in the heart of the Mediterranean.

Is Majorca or Ibiza better?

Both Ibiza and Mallorca are known for being excellent islands for a holiday focused on enjoying local nightlife, but Ibiza's reputation as the best clubbing destination in the world means that it is the best choice if you're looking for a trip full of unforgettable nights out.

Which is sunniest side of Majorca?

The southeast regions (Palma, Magaluf, El Arenal) are generally warmer and drier than the mountainous northwest and in the coastal towns you can bask in around 300 days of sunshine per year.

Which side of Majorca is hotter?

There's differences in climate across the island because of the mountains, which attract rain and clouds leaving the coast sunny and dry. North westerly winds mean the southeast is usually a bit warmer and drier than other parts of Majorca.