How fast is the HS2 TBM?

How fast is the HS2 TBM? Building the HS2 tunnels Each machine operates as a self-contained underground factory, which as well as digging the tunnel, will also line it with concrete wall segments and grout them into place as it moves forward at a speed of around 15 metres a day.

Which is the No 1 tunnel in the world?

1. -The Laerdal tunnel. With its 24.5 kilometers, Laerdal tunnel is the longest in the world, traversing several mountainous formations between Laerdal and Aurland, in western Norway.

What is the longest drivable tunnel in the world?

Being 25 km long the Laerdal Tunnel i Norway is the world's longest road tunnel - and it is equipped with support and cable ladders from Oglaend System. To ease the drive through the 25 km long tunnel, there is a huge hall every 6 km.

Why is HS2 so expensive?

HS2 was originally envisaged to operate more trains an hour and higher speeds than any comparable high-speed line elsewhere in the world. It has been estimated that this pushed up costs by about 10 per cent.