How fast did Flight 261 hit the water?

How fast did Flight 261 hit the water? Flight recorder data showed that Flight 261 crashed into the Pacific Ocean at 4:22 p.m., at a speed of more than 200 miles per hour.

What were the pilots last words on Flight 261?

“Got it,” said Tansky. But there was nothing to be done. They had run out of altitude. “Ah, here we go,” said Captain Thompson, uttering the last words captured on the cockpit voice recorder.

Why do so many planes stop in Anchorage?

Most North America/Asia cargo flights make a pit stop in Anchorage. The aircraft carry far less fuel than a non-stop, and as a result can haul a lot more cargo. When an aircraft lands in Anchorage, cargo can be moved to other aircraft heading to different destinations (nice efficiency boost).

Why do so many 747 fly to Anchorage?

Most North America/Asia cargo flights make a pit stop in Anchorage. The aircraft carry far less fuel than a non-stop, and as a result can haul a lot more cargo.

Which city in Alaska has the most float planes?

Today, Lake Hood is host to nearly 200 daily operations and has become the largest and busiest seaplane base in the world.

How much did Alaska Airlines pay for flight 261?

Alaska Airlines Flight 261 Cases Resolved for Over $300 Million* - Nurenberg Paris.

Was the pilot of Flight 261 intoxicated?

A technician for Alaska Airlines performed two breathalyzer tests that showed the pilot had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.134 percent and 0.142 percent – both of which were well above the federal limit of 0.04.

Were the bodies of flight 811 recovered?

All the remaining passengers and flight attendants exited the aircraft in less than 45 seconds. Every flight attendant suffered some injury during the evacuation, ranging from scratches to a dislocated shoulder. Despite extensive air and sea searches, no remains of the nine victims lost in flight were found at sea.