How far should you be from a landing helicopter?

How far should you be from a landing helicopter? Surface: The LZ should be free of debris and equipment. Surroundings: Identify power lines, antennas, trees, signs, poles or hazards within 500 yards and keep personnel, spectators and vehicles at least 200 feet from the touchdown area. Safety: Do not approach the helicopter without crew supervision.

Can a helicopter land in my backyard?

The FAA doesn't prohibit helicopters from operating in most places, so you should be able to land one in your backyard if you can do so safely. And no law says you have to build a helipad to land.

Do you crouch as you approach a helicopter?

(2) Helicopter pilots, managers and crew members are trained to provide for safe operations in and around helicopters follow their directions! (3) Never approach a helicopter unless directed to do so by the helicopter manager or crew person. Crouch and do not run when approaching or leaving an aircraft.