How far is Washington University from airport?
How far is Washington University from airport? The distance between St. Louis Airport (STL) and Washington University in St. Louis is 7 miles. The road distance is 9.7 miles.
What is the cheapest way to get to SeaTac Airport?
Take public transit Definitely the cheapest option for getting to Sea-Tac is Sound Transit light rail, which runs between the airport and Westlake Center downtown (about a 38-minute trip) from 5 a.m. through 1 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 6 a.m. to midnight Sundays and holidays.
How to get from Seattle airport to university?
The airport is located about 15 miles south of SU. To get to SU from Sea-Tac airport: Take the Link light rail northbound to International District/Chinatown station (8 stops) and then take the Seattle Streetcar at 5th and S. Jackson, eastbound, getting off at Broadway & Marion stop for Seattle University.
How much is the light rail from SeaTac to University of Washington?
One-way fare from SeaTac Airport to The University of Washington is $3.25. Tickets must be purchased prior to boarding. Fares are distance based. Round trip day passes from SeaTac Airport to the University of Washington are $6.50 and are valid for the date and all stations printed on the ticket.
How much does it cost to Uber from Seattle airport to downtown Seattle?
An Uber most likely will cost $25-35 from the airport to downtown depending upon demand. Helpful?