How far is the Old Town Wall in Dubrovnik?

How far is the Old Town Wall in Dubrovnik? Plan on 1 to 2 hours to walk the Dubrovnik Walls. It took us almost two hours, including our pitstop at one of the cafes on the wall. Opening Hours and Ticket Prices. The entrance fee is €35.

What is the best time to go to Dubrovnik City Walls?

As the top attraction in Dubrovnik, they can become FILLED with crowds. That being said, the best time to do the Dubrovnik city walls walk is right when they open in the early morning or during the late afternoon. This will help you avoid the large crowds that accumulate up there during mid-day.

Does Croatia use the euro?

What is the Currency in Croatia? As of January 2023, the currency used in Croatia is the Euro. Prior to this change, Croatia's official currency was the Croatian Kuna (HRK) between 1994 and 2023. Below we'll provide you with all the information you need to know about navigating the currency in Croatia.

Is it better to go to Split or Dubrovnik first?

Split is more relaxed and fun, centrally located, offering more day trip options, better nightlife, and slightly cheaper prices than Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik is one of the most beautiful walled cities in the world, very elegant, with better beaches and hotels than Split.

Is Croatia cheap to eat and Drink?

Costs of Food and Drink in Croatia Croatian food is both delicious and, in most places, excellent value. In the very best restaurants of major tourist destinations Dubrovnik, Split, and Hvar, a two-course dinner excluding drinks and tips will be around US$80.

Is Dubrovnik Old Town walkable?

Yes, the old town of Dubrovnik is surrounded by a medieval wall and several forts, and these days, you can climb up on to them and walk the perimeter of the old town.

How much money do I need per day in Dubrovnik?

We recommend that you arrive with at least around $100 reserved for each day of your trip to Dubrovnik (about £75 or €88). This will allow for an enjoyable, budget-conscious trip. If you are a high-end traveler, you must raise this budget accordingly.

What is the best time of day to see the cable cars in Dubrovnik?

Great view of Dubrovnik and surrounding area on a clear day. Best viewing time is at sunset and you can have a coffee or drink while you are at the top. Check the pricing... if you are on a budget one can hike up and down the steep hill.

Is Dubrovnik easy to walk around?

The best (and only) way to get around Dubrovnik's compact old town is on your own two feet. Enclosed by its age-old walls, the old town is completely pedestrianized. The only motorized vehicles you may see here are early morning delivery vans servicing shops and restaurants on the Stradun, the main thoroughfare.