How far is Playa del Carmen from airport?
How far is Playa del Carmen from airport? To get to Playa del Carmen, most travelers fly into Cancún International Airport (CUN), which is about 35 miles north of Playa del Carmen. To reach Playa, you can rent a car, take a bus or hop in a taxi.
What is the cheapest month to go to Playa del Carmen?
Prices are generally at their lowest during the humid rainy season, with May to June and September to October usually seeing the lowest prices. However, late April and early December can also see reasonable prices, as well as drier, less humid weather, so be aware of offers around this time too.
What is the best month to go to Playa del Carmen?
The best time to visit Playa del Carmen is between April and May, when there are fewer people along the shore. Day temperatures hover between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, dropping slightly in the evenings. From October to March, the climate is generally dry and slightly warm.
How long should you stay in Playa del Carmen?
For most travelers, five to eight days is the perfect amount of time for a Mexico trip with stops in Playa del Carmen.
Is Playa del Carmen one of the most beautiful in the world?
It is said that the waters of Playa del Carmen are among the world's most beautiful.
Is it cheap in Playa del Carmen?
Poised along the glitzy Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen is no doubt one of the most expensive parts of Mexico, but even shoestring travelers will rejoice at the legion of well-priced apartments, cheap local eats and affordable day-trip options available in Playa del Carmen.
What is Playa del Carmen most known for?
Playa del Carmen is mostly known for its beaches, parties and giant resorts. But there's the whole other side of the city. It's a great hub for independent travelers with many things to do in and around.
Can you drink the water in Playa del Carmen?
You can use the tap water to brush your teeth, however, do not drink the tap water. Drink water and lots of it. The myth that the water in Mexico makes people sick is outdated.
Is the ocean swimmable in Playa del Carmen?
Playa del Carmen boasts an enviable collection of beaches, where you can enjoy typical Caribbean relaxation and swim in an unspoilt sea, perhaps coming across turtles while you do so.
Is Playa del Carmen safe to walk around?
Playa del Carmen is a pretty small town, so walking alone at night isn't considered too dangerous. However, always listen to your intuition, meaning that if it feels safer to take a taxi ride instead of walking, do that. While there's no Uber in Playa del Carmen, taxis operate all day and night.
Why is Playa del Carmen so popular?
Playa del Carmen started out as a Fisherman's village, as many as 110 years ago. The white sand beaches, turquoise waters, and laid-back feel have made it a popular destination for tourists.
Why is everything so expensive in Playa del Carmen?
It is more expensive than most other Mexican cities. Many things are imported to Playa and this adds to the cost as well. Once you travel out of the area you start to notice how things are cheaper but after a while you get used to what things cost and how to stretch your budget if you live in Playa Del Carmen.
Is Playa del Carmen a party town?
Playa del Carmen is a vibrant coastal town located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It is known for its beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters, and bustling nightlife. Playa del Carmen offers something for everyone, from quiet beachfront lounging to lively nightclubs and bars.
Is Playa del Carmen worth going to?
In fact, after staying five nights, I realized this lovely Mexican city is brimmed with beauty and excitement. Playa Del Carmen offers endless activities to make your holiday memorable, from lounging on its sandy beaches to exploring ancient Mayan ruins. And don't forget those cenotes!
What should I be careful of in Playa del Carmen?
Be extra careful at night in Playa del Carmen As with many places in the world, most crimes in Playa del Carmen occur at night. Besides being extra careful at the bars in Playa del Carmen, you'll also want to be extra careful when walking alone at night.
Is it safe to stay off resort in Playa del Carmen?
Playa del Carmen is one of the safest places to travel in Mexico, and one of the best beach towns in Mexico. For the most part, Playa del Carmen is considered safe for the majority of visitors, with the biggest threats usually being hurricanes, hangovers, sunburns and mosquitoes.