How far does the water drop at Victoria Falls?

How far does the water drop at Victoria Falls? Approximately twice as wide and twice as deep as Niagara Falls, the waterfall spans the entire breadth of the Zambezi River at one of its widest points (more than 5,500 feet [1,700 metres]). At the falls, the river plunges over a sheer precipice to a maximum drop of 355 feet (108 metres).

Can you swim at the bottom of Victoria Falls?

You have the opportunity to swim and relax in the rock pools right below the waterfall! Things to know: You don't have to be exceptionally fit to do this trip. A normal fitness level will do to walk down the gorge and paddle across to the Falls.

What is the biggest threat to Victoria Falls?

Modern tourism The beauty of the falls lies in their natural state, but the area is at some risk of runaway tourism-based development—more resorts, hotels, and even a possible dam below the falls that could flood several park gorges.

How old is Victoria Falls?

The basalt plateau of Victoria Falls, over which the Zambezi River flows, was formed during the Jurassic period, around 200 million years ago.

Is Victoria Falls deeper than Niagara Falls?

Approximately twice as wide and twice as deep as Niagara Falls, the waterfall spans the entire breadth of the Zambezi River at one of its widest points (more than 5,500 feet [1,700 metres]). At the falls, the river plunges over a sheer precipice to a maximum drop of 355 feet (108 metres).

How many people go over Victoria Falls every year?

Roughly one million people visit the Falls each year. Historically, most visitors have journeyed to Zimbabwe to view the Falls.

What is the closest body of water to Victoria Falls?

A major river in south-central Africa, the Zambezi River flows from western Zambia to the Indian Ocean in Mozambique. In the sector imaged here, it flows southeast (top left to bottom right) in a wide bed before plunging suddenly 130 meters over the Victoria Falls into a narrow gorge.

How much water falls down Victoria Falls?

At its highest point, in March/April, it is estimated that 500 million litres of water per minute flow over the Victoria Falls. During the dry season, it can be as low as 10 million litres.

How deep is the bottom of Victoria Falls?

The waterfall stands at an altitude of about 915 m above mean sea level (a.m.s.l.) and spans to about 1708 m wide with an average depth of 100 m and the deepest point being 108 m. Sprays from this giant waterfall can be seen from a distance of 30 km from the Lusaka road, Zambia and 50 km from Bulawayo road, Zimbabwe.

Which is better Victoria Falls or Iguazu Falls?

If experience and exploration is more up your alley, then head over to Victoria Falls where there will be plenty of animals roaming and you can spot big game animals and there are parks and game reserves to explore. However, if you prefer nature walks or birdwatching, then Iguazu may be more suited for you.

Is it safe to walk around Victoria Falls at night?

Safety at night:Unsafe. Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe carries a relative risk for solo female travelers, particularly at night. It is generally safer to avoid walking alone at night due to instances of petty crime such as pickpocketing and muggings.

What are 5 facts about Victoria Falls?

Here are some fascinating facts which may surprise you, or simply encourage you to see the area for yourself.

Which is bigger Victoria or Niagara Falls?

In comparison, Victoria Falls is the world's largest sheet of falling water and is almost double the height of Niagara Falls and half a kilometer wider. In the wet season, the spray from Victoria Falls can rise 400m above the falls and can be seen from up to 48km away.

Can you sit on the edge of Victoria Falls?

Especially in August and December, the water levels are high enough to feel like swimming at the edge of the world. For visits into the dry months of September to November, the water levels at the Victoria Falls could be so low that you can see and even sit on the rock, isolating the natural pool.

Is Victoria Falls safe at night?

Safety at night:Unsafe. Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe carries a relative risk for solo female travelers, particularly at night. It is generally safer to avoid walking alone at night due to instances of petty crime such as pickpocketing and muggings.

Is Victoria Falls a 7 Wonder?

With scale, drama, power and beauty it is easy to see why The Victoria Falls has been accredited as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world. Such an awe-inspiring experience, a once in a lifetime opportunity to observe one of our world's most precious areas of natural magnificence.

Do I need malaria pills for Victoria Falls?

high all year round in the north, east and northwest of the country including the valley of Zambezi River, Victoria Falls, national parks Chizarira, Hwange, Gonarezhou and Mana. We recommend the use of mosquito-repellent measures from dusk till morning, in combination with the use of malaria tablets.

Has anyone ever fell over Victoria Falls?

This is the haunting last photo of a man taken seconds before he mysteriously toppled off a cliff at Victoria Falls during a day out with a friend. The body of Roy George Tinashe Dikinyay, 40, was eventually found 5km downstream from where he fell at the iconic tourist destination in Zimbabwe.