How far can you go on NYC subway?

How far can you go on NYC subway? Longest Rides Longest ride on the system with a transfer: Take the 2 train from 241st Street in the Bronx, and transfer to the Far Rockaway-bound A train. You'll travel over 38 miles. Longest between-station stretch: 3.5 miles on the A train between Howard Beach/JFK Airport and Broad Channel stations (Queens).

What is the most scenic subway line in NYC?

The A train! Immortalized by the 1957 song by Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald. In addition, the A train has the most scenic views of any train route in the system.

What do New Yorkers call the subway?

Maneuver Manhattan's train system like a local Here, Archer Hotel New York's consummate host offers timely tips on navigating the New York City subway (aka train) system like a boss. LOCAL TIP: New Yorkers typically call the subway “trains” (not underground or metro) or by their alpha name (the C or the Q).

Does NYC Subway have zones?

Unlike many other subway systems around the world, there are no zones because you pay the same fare regardless of how far or how long your trip is.

What is the fastest subway train in NYC?

The fastest portion of the NYC Subway system is the N/R/W trains through the 59th Street Tunnel under the East River (between Lexington Avenue/59th Street and Queensboro Plaza or Queens Plaza). Trains regularly exceed 50 mph in the tunnel and sometimes even exceed 55 (the speed limit in the subway system).

How many stations does NYC subway have?

We have 472 stations, the largest number of public transit subway stations of any system in the world. Note that our table lists 424 stations. We combined ridership data for station complexes, where stations are connected by transfer passageways.

What is the bus etiquette in NYC?

Keep seats at the front available for people who need them. It is required to surrender accessible seats upon request. Don't stand in the stairwell or doorway while the bus is moving. For help planning a trip, call 511.

How long would it take to ride the entire NYC subway?

472 stations After the Second Avenue Subway opened in January 2017, Ahn's previous record was once again invalidated, and the record sat unclaimed for over six years. On April 17, 2023, Kate Jones traveled through all 472 stations, including the Second Avenue Subway stops, in 22 hours, 14 minutes, and 10 seconds.

What do New Yorkers call Manhattan?

Frequently shortened to simply New York, NY, or NYC, New York City is also known as The City in some parts of the Eastern United States, in particular, New York State and surrounding U.S. states. New Yorkers also use The City to refer specifically to the borough of Manhattan.

How do tourists use the NYC subway?

You can use cash, credit, or debit cards to make your purchase. New York City subway fares are $2.75 per trip. For visitors staying more than a couple of days you can buy a one week unlimited MetroCard for $33 or an unlimited monthly MetroCard for $127.00.

What is the fastest subway in the world?

1: Shanghai Maglev - 460 kph/286 mph (China) The world's fastest public train is also unique – it's the only link in the world currently carrying passengers using magnetic levitation (Maglev) rather than conventional steel wheels on steel rails.

What is the longest subway ride in NYC?

The A provides the longest one-seat ride in the system—at 32.39 miles (52.13 km), between Inwood and Far Rockaway—and has a weekday ridership of 600,000.

Do celebrities use the subway in NYC?

Surprisingly, quite a lot of celebrities and important people use the New York City Subway.

How to ride NYC Subway free?

Once you've taken 12 paid rides in a seven-day period, you can ride free for the rest of the week. Here's an example: A rider uses the subway to get to and from work, and takes it on weekends to go into Manhattan to meet friends. They also use the local buses in their neighborhood to run errands.