How far a walk is time square to Rockefeller Center?

How far a walk is time square to Rockefeller Center? How far is it from Rockefeller Center to Times Square? The distance between Rockefeller Center and Times Square is 2298 feet.

What is the best time to go to Times Square?

Most travelers recommend visiting the area after dark to see the marquee displays. Many add checking out Times Square before or after a Broadway show is the perfect time to fit it into your schedule.

Is it worth going to the top floor of the Empire State building?

It's an unforgettable experience when the doors of the elevator open up on the 86th floor and you can admire the maze of skyscrapers at a vantage point of 1,250 feet. Many of you are wondering if it's worth paying extra to go to the 102nd floor and without taking away too much, I'd say YES.

How far of a walk is Times Square to Empire State Building?

It is approximately 2793 feet to get from Times Square to Empire State Building.

Is Top of Rock worth it?

Some reviewers take issue with the ticket prices, but this is not a very common concern. Other than this complaint, most people agree that Top of the Rock is worth the trip. The observation deck is indoor/outdoor, so it's a good choice for pretty much any time of year.

What can you walk to from Times Square?

Things to do Near Times Square
  • Rockefeller Center. One of our favorite places to walk to from Times Square is to the Rockefeller Centre. ...
  • Top of the Rock. While checking out the Rockefeller Centre, you cannot miss going up to the Top of the Rock. ...
  • Radio City Music Hall. ...
  • MOMA – Museum of Modern Art. ...
  • Bryant Park.

Can you walk New York in a day?

If you're prepared to wake up early, walk a lot, and dive right into the bustle of the city, you can see a wide variety of the top attractions in Manhattan in one day–plus squeeze in a tiny taste of Brooklyn, too.