How drunk is 3 times the legal limit?

How drunk is 3 times the legal limit? What is 3 times over the legal limit of alcohol? The legal limit of alcohol is . 08%. Three times the legal limit would be 0.24%.

Can I drive after 2 beers?

This leaves many drivers wondering, “is it safe to drive myself home if I've only had one or two beers?” The answer is no. While one to two drinks will usually keep you below the legal limit, any amount of alcohol CAN impact your ability to drive safely, and in ways you may not even realize.

How long to pass a breathalyzer after 4 beers?

Generally, a breathalyzer test can test positive for alcohol for up to 12 hours after consuming one alcoholic drink. The average urine test can also detect alcohol 12-48 hours later. If your BAC is 0.08, it will take approximately 5 hours to metabolize the alcohol completely before you can become “sober” again.

How many beers is 0.08 alcohol?

Many experts believe that it takes about 3 drinks (12 oz beer, 5 oz glass of wine, or a shot of liquor) taken within an hour for a 100 lb person to reach . 08% BAC. Other general guidelines include: At 140 lbs it takes about four drinks an hour to reach a .