How driving a taxi changes London cabbies brains?

How driving a taxi changes London cabbies brains? Significantly increased gray matter volume was found in the brains of taxi drivers compared with those of controls in only two brain regions, namely the right and the left hippocampi (Fig. 1 a and b). No differences were observed elsewhere in the brain.

Why do London taxi drivers memorize all the streets of London?

In 1851, following the Great Exhibition when people complained that cab drivers had no idea where they were going, ?the Knowledge? was created?requiring everyone who wanted to drive a taxi to pass a test on the streets of London.

What do they call taxi drivers in London?

Drivers who own their cabs as opposed to renting from a garage are known as "mushers" and those who have just passed the "knowledge" are known as "butter boys". There are currently around 21,000 black cabs in London, licensed by the Public Carriage Office.

Do London taxi drivers have bigger brains?

Previous studies have shown that taxi drivers have a larger hippocampus compared to non-taxi drivers. This is interesting as this brain region shrinks and becomes damaged in Alzheimer's disease, leading to symptoms of memory loss and confusion associated with the disease.

How were the brains of London cab drivers who passed the exam different from those who failed the exam?

Now, with the exam over, the researchers found an increase in grey matter -- the nerve cells in the brain where processing takes place -- in the back part of the hippocampus of the trainees who passed the test. Those that failed, or never learned, had no changes to their brain structure.

What are London cab drivers called?

Drivers who own their cabs as opposed to renting from a garage are known as mushers and those who have just passed the knowledge are known as butter boys. There are currently around 21,000 black cabs in London, licensed by the Public Carriage Office.

Do taxi drivers in London have to memorize about?

There are thousands of streets and landmarks within a six mile radius of Charing Cross. Anyone who wants to drive an iconic London cab must memorize them all: the Knowledge of London. The Knowledge was introduced as a requirement for taxi drivers in 1865.

Do London cabbies still do the knowledge?

London taxi drivers are licensed and must have passed an extensive training course (the Knowledge). Unlike many other cities, the number of taxicab drivers in London is not limited.

Does taxi driver have PTSD?

Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro), age 26, is Taxi Driver's lonely, alienated “hero.” Yes, he's a Vietnam War vet, ex-marine, and likely has his share of PTSD. But, his problems stem from something much deeper than war trauma. He must have suffered some kind of childhood trauma, to be sure.

What is the taxi cab syndrome?

Taxi drivers, as well as other professional drivers categories, may experience genitourinary disturbances such as voiding dysfunction, urinary infections but also infertility, urolithiasis, bladder cancer, also called “taxi cab syndrome”[13].