How does the Eiffel Tower show French culture?

How does the Eiffel Tower show French culture? For 130 years, the Eiffel Tower has been a powerful and distinctive symbol of the city of Paris, and by extension, of France. At first, when it was built for the 1889 World's Fair, it impressed the entire world by its stature and daring design, and symbolized French know-how and industrial genius.

Is the Eiffel Tower a cultural attraction?

As a predominant feature of French culture, it has inspired many artists since it was erected, including poets such as Guillaume Apollinaire, Blaise Cendrars and Jean Cocteau, as well as painters (Chagall, Dufy, Delaunay), performers of songs about the Eiffel Tower (Mistinguett, Charles Trénet, Dutronc, etc.)

Why is the Eiffel Tower so important to France?

For 130 years, the Eiffel Tower has been a powerful and distinctive symbol of the city of Paris, and by extension, of France. At first, when it was built for the 1889 World's Fair, it impressed the entire world by its stature and daring design, and symbolized French know-how and industrial genius.

What is a short paragraph about the Eiffel Tower?

The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, has serious celeb status. Completed in March 1889, it's one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. And the site, which is also known as the Iron Lady, receives nearly seven millions tourists a year. But despite its fame, the tower has some monumental secrets.

What are few lines about the Eiffel Tower in France?

When the tower opened in the 19th century, it was the world's tallest building at 1,024 feet (312.11 meters). The Eiffel Tower has 1,665 stairs and three viewing platforms. Nearly 50 miles of electric cables cover the structure. There are 120 antennas atop the Eiffel Tower.

Is it illegal to take pictures of the Eiffel Tower at night?

However, the lights on the Eiffel Tower were installed in 1985, by Pierre Bideau, meaning that any photo or video that shows the monument at a time when the lights are visible (ie, at night) is a violation of copyright law.