How does precision approach radar work?

How does precision approach radar work? What Does An Air Traffic Controller See? PAR uses primary radar to print a 3D image of your location on approach. The frequency of the radar sweep compared to a standard radar is increased, and the range is decreased to 20 degrees to allow for nearly instant radar feedback.

What is the 1-2-3 rule in aviation?

You need to name an alternate airport on your IFR flight plan if, for the period of time one hour before and one hour after your estimated time of arrival, the weather is forecast to include a ceiling of 2,000 feet agl and/or visibilities less than three statute miles (the 1-2-3 rule).

Why can pilots turn off radar?

The device could have an electrical short or catch on fire. Pilots would want to shut it down rather than risk a fire spreading to the rest of the cockpit or airplane.