How does paying with a phone tap work?
How does paying with a phone tap work? Enable tap to pay on the mobile device. Enter bank and card information. Once the terminal prompts the customer to pay, they can wave or hold their phone one to two inches from the contactless symbol. The NFC-enabled POS terminal will indicate when the payment is complete with a light, checkmark, or sound.
How do I pay by tapping my phone?
On the checkout screen, you'll see the reader animation with the message 'Hold card to back of phone'. Position your phone close to your customer and allow them to tap and hold either a card or any NFC type devices (i.e. Apple Pay, Google Pay, Apple Watch, etc.) to the back of the phone.
What are the disadvantages of contactless payment?
Because contactless payments require neither PIN nor signature authorisation, lost or stolen contactless cards can be used to make fraudulent transactions.
Does tap to pay charge a fee?
Pricing, Compatibility, and Transaction Limits Square sellers using Tap to Pay on iPhone will pay a per transaction processing fee of 2.6% + 10 cents. This payment method is compatible with all contactless cards and digital wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay.
How do I use contactless for the first time?
Look for the contactless symbol on the card reader. The four curved lines that appear on your card should also appear on contactless-enabled card readers. When prompted, hold the card within one to two inches of the contactless symbol.