How does aircraft noise affect your health?
How does aircraft noise affect your health? Aircraft noise at high levels can be considered a stressor on the body, and research has found an association between high levels of aircraft noise and an increased risk of developing Cardiovascular disease (CVD).
How far away from an airport should you live?
I would put a 15 mile radius as a rule of thumb to be 99% OK and about 25 miles to be 100% good. Remember there is always some low flying inbound flight in a bad weather day and likewise about 5% case outbound overloaded 747 and such make a big sound, but they are the exception and not the norm.
Does airplane noise bother you?
Airplane noise can be very annoying, especially if you live or work near an airport, and you should know that experiencing that noise constantly can be bad for your health. Some of the negative side effects include high blood pressure, increased risk of stroke and increased risk of heart attack.
What is airplane syndrome?
Aerotoxic syndrome relates to ill-health effects associated with breathing contaminated air in an airliner cabin. Researchers have associated aerotoxic syndrome with exposure to substances such as engine oil and hydraulic fluid.
How do you live with airplane noise?
If the noise of flights passing overhead is unbearable and you're able to do some repairs on your home, you may also consider getting some noise-canceling curtains, insulating your windows and doors and filling in any sound gaps that may help quiet your environment.