How does a bio degradable toilet work?

How does a bio degradable toilet work? Most composting toilets work similarly. You urinate or defecate into the toilet, then add a carbon-rich material (sawdust is common) to help add the proper mix of basic chemicals to break down the waste material. This broken down inert material can be used as compost to fortify the soil.

How long does it take a composting toilet to compost?

With the right conditions and balance of 'ingredients', composting human outputs will happen fairly quickly (around 12 months), won't smell during the process, and will create a safe, sweet-smelling compost that you can use in your garden/grounds around trees and shrubs.

What happens if you have diarrhea in a composting toilet?

Because Diarrhea typically has a little more liquid in it than normal 'poop' you may find you might need to run the exhaust fan a little more than you would normally to help evaporate the additional liquid. Other than that, your composting toilet should function as normal, without any issues.