How does a 15-minute city work?

How does a 15-minute city work? A 15-minute city enables residents to access most daily amenities within a 15 to 20-minute walk, bike or other mode of transportation from any point in a city, town or village regardless of size.

Is Paris a 15-minute city?

Second, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo promised to make Paris a “15-minute city” in her successful re-election campaign in 2020. And third, as these maps prove, Paris already is a 15-minute city. (This is clever politics: Promise something that already exists, then take the credit for it.)

Why is it called 15-minute cities?

A 15-minute city enables residents to access most daily amenities within a 15 to 20-minute walk, bike or other mode of transportation from any point in a city, town or village regardless of size.