How do you survive a crowded bus?

How do you survive a crowded bus?

10 Tips to Travel in Crowded Public Transport
  1. Know your transport. ...
  2. Move to the Center. ...
  3. Hold On. ...
  4. Do not lean on poles. ...
  5. Keep your feet and bags off the seats. ...
  6. Be aware of your surroundings. ...
  7. Be aware of your personal belongings. ...
  8. Keep your ticket and fare readily available.

What is an overwhelming fear of entering a crowded bus?

Agoraphobia involves fearing and avoiding places or situations that might cause panic and feelings of being trapped, helpless or embarrassed. You may fear an actual or upcoming situation. For example, you may fear using public transportation, being in open or enclosed spaces, standing in line, or being in a crowd.

What is the fear of public buses?

Agoraphobia is a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or that help wouldn't be available if things go wrong. Many people assume agoraphobia is simply a fear of open spaces, but it's actually a more complex condition. Someone with agoraphobia may be scared of: travelling on public transport.

What is the fear of busses called?

Bustrophobia is the fear of buses.

How do you sleep in an uncomfortable bus?

Do's for Sleeping on a Bus
  1. Earplugs. Whether it's the fellow passengers who make noise or just the engine of the bus - ear plugs can come in handy for blocking out disturbances while sleeping on a bus.
  2. Noise-blocking headphones. ...
  3. Neck pillow (or just a small pillow). ...
  4. Compact blanket. ...
  5. An eye mask.

Why do people not use buses?

In a recent study at the University of California at Berkley, researchers discovered that commuters are more inclined to stop using public transit if they experience delays which can be blamed on the transit agency. (Most people will forgive other inconveniences such as traffic, emergencies or mechanical failures.)

How do you deal with a crowded bus?

If you're standing on a full bus, move to the back! Most seats are there—this increases your chance of snagging one when someone gets off. Or, take a gamble and stand close to someone who doesn't look like a UBC student. They'll likely be getting off at an earlier stop...and you will be the heir to their throne.

Why is a bus better than a car?

Being active helps with physical health, and taking transit instead of driving reduces stress. Buses are also safer than individual vehicles. By leaving the car at home, a person can save up to 20 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions every day. Buses keep the air cleaner.

How do you calm down on a bus?

Try and find a seat or a bench and take five minutes to get some air, away from others if possible. Take deep breaths and use some breathing techniques to regulate your breathing. Grounding techniques such as the 54321 method can also help, repeating as many times as needed.

How do you survive public transport?

Stand back from the curb while waiting for a bus. Avoid arriving anywhere at night and using dim or vacant entrances to stations or terminals. Utilize only busy, well-lit stations. Take as little luggage as possible; ideally, no more than you can comfortably carry.

How safe is going in a bus?

Buses Safest Transportation for School Children Designed for safety, with flashing lights, giant mirrors, stop-sign arms and that bright yellow color, students are far more likely to get to school safely when taking a school bus than traveling by car, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

How do you distract yourself on a bus?

Distract Yourself Groove to music to tame any frazzled nerves. Or listen to a podcast or audiobook. Either technique will direct your attention away from any negative feelings.

How do I stop bus anxiety?

By taking the steps below, you can work your way toward overcoming your fears and enjoying the many benefits that public transportation has to offer!
  1. Prepare yourself before you ride. ...
  2. Ease your way into using public transit. ...
  3. Try writing down your fears beforehand. ...
  4. Practice mindfulness techniques. ...
  5. Or try distraction.

How do I get over my bus anxiety?

By taking the steps below, you can work your way toward overcoming your fears and enjoying the many benefits that public transportation has to offer!
  1. Prepare yourself before you ride. ...
  2. Ease your way into using public transit. ...
  3. Try writing down your fears beforehand. ...
  4. Practice mindfulness techniques. ...
  5. Or try distraction.

What not to do on a bus?

Riding on the Bus Stay in your seat and face forward: never stand on a moving bus. Keep noise level down and do not distract the driver (no yelling or shouting). Do not throw anything on the bus or out the window. Keep hands and feet to yourselves.

What are 3 disadvantages of buses?

Disadvantages of Public Transport
  • The commute by public transport can be slower than by personal vehicles. ...
  • As public transport vehicles don't stop at specific destinations, you must take care of your travel from the stand or station to reach your desired stop.
  • Privacy is a big issue in public transport.

How do you feel safer on the bus?

Try to stay awake, especially at night, and take note of the people sitting around you and their behavior. If you feel uncomfortable, move to another seat. If you are waiting at a bus stop or station, try to stay in the light, and near a public safety officer, if one is on duty.

How do you survive a 10 hour bus?

Here are our top tips for surviving the overnight bus.
  1. Arrive early. Unless you've managed to get your hands on a ticket with a designated seat number, it's worth arriving at the bus station early. ...
  2. Keep your valuables close. ...
  3. Wrap up. ...
  4. Bring snacks. ...
  5. Beware the late-night stop. ...
  6. Pack earplugs. ...
  7. Bring something to do. ...
  8. Use your GPS.

What are the common problems in bus?

Watch Out for These Common Mechanical Issues in Buses
  • Brake Issues. Commercial buses make a lot of stops, so the brakes are bound to have more than the usual wear and tear after a while. ...
  • Dead Batteries. ...
  • Overheated Engine. ...
  • Tire Issues.

How can I be less scared of public transport?

How to Deal with Anxiety on Public Transportation
  • Prepare yourself before you ride. ...
  • Ease your way into using public transit. ...
  • Try writing down your fears beforehand. ...
  • Practice mindfulness techniques. ...
  • Or try distraction. ...
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Is it safer to be in a bus?

According to several studies, the rate of death is lower for travel on public transport than that in cars. For example, in the USA, fatality rate for car occupants were found to be 23 times higher than those for bus occupants, per 100 million person-trips [3].

Why are buses overcrowded?

Number of buses on a route: The buses running a route at a given time have a certain total combined capacity. As the number of riders approaches this capacity, the buses will get more and more crowded unless additional bus trips are added during that timeframe.