How do you see what Uber drivers said about you?

How do you see what Uber drivers said about you?

Here's how to find your score:
  • Open the Uber app on your phone.
  • Choose Account on the bottom right.
  • Select Settings.
  • Tap Privacy.
  • Choose Privacy Center.
  • Select See Summary.
  • Now click View my ratings.

How do I compliment an Uber driver?

How it works
  1. Open your app. After your trip, tap to open the app and rate your driver as you normally would.
  2. Give a compliment. After rating your trip, tap Give a Compliment, then choose from various badges to show your appreciation.
  3. Go the extra mile.

What information do Uber drivers see about you?

Do Uber drivers see my profile photo and last name on their screen? On a ping screen we see your first name, rating and ETA to your pickup spot. Nothing more. While en route, we could dig into waybill and sometimes see the first letter of your last name (as in Densel B).

Is a 4.7 Uber rating bad?

Uber ratings below 4.7 are considered to be below average. So a rating of 4.5 isn't very good. If your rating falls below 4.6 for a long period of time, there's a risk that Uber will deactivate your account.

Can Uber drivers leave comments about you?

Drivers have always been able to rate riders after the trip, but now they will be able to leave specific feedback that Uber can then surface to riders so they can improve their rating. Whether riders take the criticism to heart or dismiss it as patronizing, though, remains to be seen.

Will Uber drive me 2 hours?

Yes! However, I would suggest calling the driver and asking first. I would also recommend a nice tip. A driver's concern with such a long drive is that the passenger will not tip, typical of Uber riders, and he will have to return home with no fare/compensation for the 2 hour trip back.

How many warnings does Uber give you?

Engaging in fraudulent activities, even once, can lead to permanent deactivation from the platform. Normally you will receive up to 2 warnings before this happens, but this depends on the severity of the situation.

Can I see what Uber drivers say about me?

To find your ratings breakdown go to settings, tap privacy and then privacy centre. In the privacy centre, click “would you like to see a summary of how you use Uber”. From there, scroll down to “browse your data” and then tap on “view my ratings” and your breakdown will be revealed.

Can Uber drivers block riders?

Drivers can go to their app's Help section, find the option to report an issue with a rider, and select My rider had an inappropriate name. Uber's Support team will then be able to take appropriate action to block those accounts until the names are updated.

Can you get kicked off Uber for a low rating?

Rating quality A driver or delivery person can lose access to part or all of the Uber platform for ratings that are below the minimum average rating in their city.

Why do Uber drivers rate passengers low?

Four Uber drivers revealed why some passengers might have lower ratings than they expected. Obnoxious friends, slammed doors, and left crumbs could leave you with one star, they said. Loading cars with bags and making drivers wait could also bring ratings down.

What is the average Uber rider score?

When you take an Uber ride, you get to rate your driver — but your driver also gets to rate you as a rider. You may already know how to view your average Uber rating as a rider. For most people, it's probably floating somewhere between 4.5 and 5 stars.

Does tipping affect Uber rating?

Uber drivers have to submit their rating of you before they see if you gave them a tip so it doesn't matter. A cash tip before you get out of the car would almost certainly guarantee a five star rating.

Do Ubers record you?

Uber says audio files are encrypted and stored on the device of the person who enabled it. The company explains that “no one can listen to the audio — including Uber, the rider or the driver” while the recording is on a device. Uber does not have access to it unless one of the parties submits an issue and attaches it.

Can Uber drivers refuse long trips?

You may occasionally get a ride request with a destination that's far away. You'll see “Long trip” with an estimated trip time at the bottom of your screen when one of these requests is sent to you. If a trip like this is farther than you want to drive, you can always decline.

Is 4.75 a good Uber passenger rating?

What is a Good Uber Rider Rating? Any rating above 4.7 is good to excellent. While a 5 star rating is the best you can get, it is virtually impossible to maintain. Drivers try to rate honestly, but sometimes you get the short end of the stick and catch them on a bad day, or do something they might not like.

Do Uber drivers like quiet passengers?

One driver said their 'best passengers are the ones that quietly sit in the back', while another agreed that their 'dream passenger is the one who tells me to turn up the music and then sits quietly'.