How do you say 11000 in aviation?

How do you say 11000 in aviation? If you are flying at 11,000 feet, you report this altitude as “one one thousand”. If you are flying at 11,500 feet, you say “one one thousand fife hundred”. These rules are valid for altitudes under 18,000 feet.

What is code 4000 in aviation?

Military aircraft operating in restricted/warning areas or on VR routes will squawk 4000 unless another code has been assigned or coordinated with ATC.

What does FL180 mean?

Flight levels are then assigned a number which is the apparent altitude (pressure altitude) to the nearest thousand feet, divided by one hundred. Therefore an apparent altitude of 18,000 feet is referred to as Flight Level 180.

Why do pilots announce 10,000 feet?

Commonly known as the sterile cockpit rule, these regulations specifically prohibit crew member performance of non-essential duties or activities while the aircraft is involved in taxi, takeoff, landing, and all other flight operations conducted below 10,000 feet MSL, except cruise flight.

What is 7400 in aviation?

Code 7400 may be transmitted by unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) when the control link between the aircraft and the pilot is lost. Lost link procedures are programmed into the flight management system and associated with the flight plan being flown.

Why do pilots say heavy to ATC?

Wake turbulence poses a major risk to other aircraft, so pilots and ATC use the term “heavy” in radio transmissions as a reminder that the aircraft's wake may be dangerous to others passing behind or below the flightpath of these larger-mass aircraft.

How do pilots say 5?

Aviators often speak “pilot English” to avoid miscommunications over radio transmission. “Tree” for instance, means three, “fife” is the number five and “niner” means nine, says Tom Zecha, a manager at AOPA. The variations stemmed from a desire to avoid confusion between similar-sounding numbers, he says.

How do pilots say 0?

Pilots mostly pronounce numbers as in regular English but with a few exceptions. Zero (0) is always “zero,” not “oh.” Three (3) becomes “tree.” Five (5) becomes “fife.” Nine (9) becomes “niner.”