How do you safely go down a water slide?

How do you safely go down a water slide? Never go down the slide headfirst Sliding down headfirst can harm your head and neck, and in some cases, can hurt someone so badly that it leads to paralysis. When sliding down a pool slide, always go down feet-first instead of headfirst.

What slows you down on a water slide?

Gravity pulls the rider toward the Earth, helping to speed up their trip down the waterslide. Of course, friction also plays a part. Whether a person rides down the slide on their backs, a mat, or an intertube, the contact causes friction. This can slow the rider down.

What is the weight limit for the drop water slide?

Rider Safety Information Maximum weight limit 300 pounds per rider. Riders are required to maintain the proper riding position – arms crossed over their chest, legs crossed at the ankles, and back flat against the slide.

How fast do you go on a drop water slide?

A free-fall slide starting at 85-feet with a gradual slope of 25 feet that drops to a steep 60 feet, THE MONSTER will leave you breathless. With nothing to hold onto for dear life, and no bounces to break the free fall, you'll hit speeds of up to 25 miles an hour!

Why are water slides safe?

The Design of the Slides As you slide into the turn, it's the design of the slide that keeps you safe. The walls are built up to keep you from propelling over the side. Water also plays a part in the design of the rides. Deeper water propels heavier riders along to keep them moving smoothly.

What happens if you fall out of a tube on a water slide?

If you fall off a tube, you may be struck by other tubes or rafts on your way down. This can push you forcibly into concrete or plastic walls. If riders hit their head, they risk falling unconscious and face a high risk of drowning.

What does water slide feel like?

But traveling down a water slide allows you to feel like you are flying down at a much higher pace. Physicists say that this is because water on a slide helps create a frictionless surface – the less friction is involved, the faster you can go, and the smoother your ride feels.

Can you go head first down a water slide?

Always go down slides with your feet down not your head! It is extremely dangerous to go down slides with your head first because you move at a very high speed while sliding putting you at a risk of injuries. Always wait for your turn. Do not hold hands with others while sliding as this may injure you both.

Why do you have to cross your arms on a water slide?

With arms flailing around they tend to catch or snag on things and injure the hands and arms terribly. Better to get to the bottom of the slide and be able to help others than get there with a broken arm. Crossing your arms reduces the chance of friction against the sides of the slides.

How can I be less scared of water slides?

Expose to the ride slowly Before taking that water slide, make sure to spend some time exposing yourself or your child to it. Watch others do it for a while or let your child watch how other kids are actually enjoying residential water slides. This will help them prep before actually doing it.