How do you run a missed approach?

How do you run a missed approach?

Missed Approach Procedure:
  1. At the missed approach point without the approach lights/runway/airport and/or not in a position to make a normal approach and landing, call out, missed approach.
  2. Simultaneously establish an appropriate climb attitude (based on airspeed/pitch attitude at the MAP) and apply full power.

Can you fly a VOR missed approach with GPS?

GPS ON VOR APPROACHES. It's been a long-standing policy in both AC 90-108 ?Use of Suitable Area Navigation? and the AIM that you can't use a GPS to shoot a VOR approach unless it says ?or GPS? in the title.

What is the difference between MDA and DA?

Decision Altitude In practical terms, that means approaches with a glide slope (ILS), and approaches with a glide path (LPV, LNAV/VNAV). DA's are different than MDAs. MDAs are absolute floors, but when flying to a DA, you make your continue-to-land or go missed decision at DA, while you remain on the glideslope.

What is the pave checklist?

The PAVE checklist is a great way to evaluate your personal minimums and hazards you could experience when flying. Each letter stands for a different risk when flying; Personal/Pilot, Aircraft, EnVironment, and External Pressures. These are the factors a pilot must take into account when making their decision to fly.