How do you prevent stonefish in Mauritius?

How do you prevent stonefish in Mauritius?

If you're in an area that could be home to stonefish, make sure to:
  1. Wear water shoes.
  2. Always look where you walk.
  3. Shuffle your feet along the bottom to avoid stepping directly on the fish. This shuffle also helps scare away stingrays, which you don't want to step on either.

What should I be careful of in Mauritius?

Keep copies of important documents, including passports, separately. There have been reports of burglaries at villas where tourists have been staying. Make sure accommodation and hotel rooms are secure. Avoid renting accommodation that isn't registered with the Mauritius Tourism Authority.

Is snorkeling safe in Mauritius?

Other than the southern coast, Mauritius is almost entirely encircled by a coral reef, making it an excellent destination for snorkelling.

Is it safe to swim in the sea around Mauritius?

In contrast, the open seas around Mauritius can be more challenging for swimmers. The strong currents, combined with the deeper waters, can make swimming in the open seas quite risky. However, these areas are also home to a variety of marine life, including dolphins, whales, and sharks, making them popular with divers.

Can you drink Mauritius tap water?

Most Mauritians are used to drinking tap water and eating in food stalls at every street corner. However, those not used to it should avoid doing so, as severe food poisoning may occur. It is thus advisable to drink mineral water and accept ice cubes only in hotels that treat tap water.

Is it safe to swim in Mauritius sharks?

Most shark species, even the notorious bull and tiger sharks, are unlikely to attack a diver if the latter does not provoke them or carry bloody foods. Experienced divers on Mauritius often compare sharks to the many stray dogs that roam the island: an animal that should be respected but not feared.