How do you prepare for a volcano hike?

How do you prepare for a volcano hike? Food and Water Pack high-protein snacks like energy bars, jerky, and nuts. Some people like to bring a sandwich and fruit too. For water, you can usually start with about two liters per person per day. However, it's a good idea to adjust the amount based on hike intensity, weather conditions, age, and body type.

How long does it take to hike the volcano?

Hiking Acatenango to the summit takes in total between six to eight hours, depending on your pace. The trip back down is done much quicker, between two to three hours. The total distance of the hike, return trip, adds up to about 18 kilometers, which is done over the course of two days.

What not to do in a volcano?

  1. Limit your time outdoors and use a dust mask or cloth mask as a last resort if you must be outside.
  2. Avoid areas downwind and river valleys downstream of the volcano.
  3. Take temporary shelter from volcanic ash in the location where you are.