How do you not miss a bus?

How do you not miss a bus? Get to the bus stop 5 minutes early. Arrive to your bus stop at least 5 minutes early. If you arrive at your stop at the exact scheduled pick up time, you are more likely to miss your bus. Your bus driver is on a schedule and has other kids to pick up. The bus cannot wait for you if you are late.

Should I punish my child for missing the bus?

Your child should also receive a negative consequence for missing the bus. Remove a privilege, such as all electronics (TV, video games, computer, etc.) on the days he misses the bus. If you end up driving him to school, make him pay your time and gas money (similar to the price he might pay if he called a cab).

Is it rude to talk on the bus?

If you're on public transit and have to take an important call that can't wait, keep it short and as quiet as you can. Don't get overly personal in your conversation either—no one needs to hear you describe symptoms to your doctor or tear your significant other a new one on their morning commute.

Is it polite to thank the bus driver?

There are those who think saying “Thanks” to your bus driver is ridiculous. And perhaps hearing the word all day starts being monotonous and annoying for some drivers. Others see it as a polite thing to do, especially it's heartfelt. Regardless, it happens, and people do notice it.