How do you not get caught in a rip current?

How do you not get caught in a rip current? Do not get caught in a rip current trying to save someone else. Throw them a flotation device and get help from the Beach Patrol. An alternate escape for a stronger swimmer is to allow the rip current to pull you seaward for 50 to 100 yards where it weakens, then swim toward the beach at an angle away from the current.

How many people drown in rip currents every year?

Rip Currents are powerful currents of water moving away from shore, capable of sweeping even the strongest swimmers out to sea and are often called “killer currents” for a good reason. Although estimates vary, rip currents are responsible for approximately 100 deaths every year and probably thousands worldwide.

What beaches have the worst rip currents?

Hanakapiai Beach, Hawaii - Powerful Rip Currents Nestled in the Napali Coast of Kauai and only accessible by the Kalalau Trail, Hanakapiai Beach is one of the most dangerous places in the world to go swimming due to powerful rip currents and waves that are known to sweep people out to sea.