How do you make a hotel guest feel special?

How do you make a hotel guest feel special?

Here are seven simple and effective ways to do it.
  1. Offer a Few Extras.
  2. Train Your Staff.
  3. Offer Complimentary Items.
  4. Send Your Guests a Handwritten Notecard.
  5. Anticipate Needs by Providing Resources.
  6. Send Holiday Greeting Cards.
  7. Occasional Upgrades.
  8. Make Your Guests Feel Special With Ease.

What do guests want in a hotel room?

These days though, guests' expectations in a hotel are through a higher level of clean and basic amenities, a level that goes way beyond just a comfortable bed, clean rooms, corridors, a reliable WIFI connection, and other complimentary toiletries.

What makes customer happy in a hotel?

Reward Loyal Guests and Personalize the Experience As part of your loyalty programs, provide late checkout for free, establish a tiered loyalty system, or create other amenities and ways to show your gratitude for their patronage. Also, an in-person thank you goes a long way.

What are the 3 elements of guest experience?

The 3 main components of the guest experience
  • Communication.
  • Convenience.
  • Choice.

What is the most important thing in hotel hospitality?

Service is the key in the Hospitality Industry All important services should be easily accessible and ideally offered before guests make a request. Making your customers feel special and even spoiled is an art that only dedicated, trained staff can achieve.

What do hotel guests care about the most?

What are the three most important expectations of guests in a hotel? The three most important expectations of guests in a hotel are convenience, autonomy, and personalization.

How can I impress my hotel customer?

Engage With Guests Before and After Their Stay Send them informative emails, offer them vouchers, and give them recommendations for activities in the area. You should also engage in timely communication with guests after their visit to get constructive feedback and learn how to optimize your hotel.