How do you know if you have bed bugs without seeing them?

How do you know if you have bed bugs without seeing them? If you begin to notice a strange, musty smell around your mattress with no apparent origin, you might have a bed bug problem. As bed bugs settle in, they begin to emit their pheromones. This smell can can vary, with people reporting different experiences, and is reported to smell sweet on occasion.

How do you get rid of bed bugs without an exterminator?

How to Kill Bed Bugs at Home in 5 Steps
  1. Prepare. Prepare isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle with a concentration of 80% or stronger.
  2. Inspect. With a high-powered flashlight, inspect your bed for bed bugs. ...
  3. Vacuum. Use a crevice tool attached to your vacuum. ...
  4. Spray. ...
  5. Sanitize.