How do you know if you have a spirited baby?

How do you know if you have a spirited baby? Spirited babies feel everything more deeply and tend to cry more than other babies. They may be averse to strangers and resist scheduled meals and sleep periods. And they can turn a temper tantrum into an art form.

What are the characteristics of a bossy child?

Symptoms of Bossiness in Children
  • Telling people what to do: the child is constantly telling peers what to do, how to play a game, or the 'right way' to do something.
  • Not playing nice: the child may be getting in trouble on the playground for being in constant conflict with peers in play at recess.

How do you know if you have a spirited child?

I think of a spirited child as a child who is MORE intense, energetic, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, and uncomfortable with change than the “average” child. Many times, these children are identifiable from birth, starting out as what are sometimes called “high need” babies.