How do you keep biting flies off of you at the beach?
How do you keep biting flies off of you at the beach? One of the easiest ways to deter biting flies is by covering up; light-colored clothing, including long-sleeve shirts, pants and hats, limits the amount of exposed skin they can access. Another way to repel beach flies is with scents, preferably in the form of a natural bug spray.
What happens if you get bitten by a sand fly?
Skin sores usually start at the site of the sandfly bite. In a few people, sores may develop on mucous membranes. Systemic, or visceral, leishmaniasis affects the entire body. This form occurs 2 to 8 months after a person is bitten by the sandfly.
What repels biting flies at the beach?
In addition to protective clothing, use an insect repellent containing an EPA-registered ingredient like DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon-eucalyptus.
How do you keep flies off of you on the beach?
But what if you're already at the beach? Flies are less likely to attack in shady places, according to Landau, so staying under the umbrella will help. They also prefer wet skin, so dry off as soon as you get out of the water. They're attracted to dark colors, she said, so a light-colored swimsuit is your best bet.