How do you get rid of eustachian tube dysfunction fast?

How do you get rid of eustachian tube dysfunction fast? Blocked eustachian tubes can be relieved by nasal sprays and antihistamine tablets, which reduce inflammation and congestion. Recurrent eustachian tube dysfunction requires the surgical placement of tubes in the eardrum, which allows pressure to equalize in the middle ear.

How I cured my Eustachian tube dysfunction at home?

To try and clear the blockage, you can:
  1. Chew gum.
  2. Yawn.
  3. Swallow.
  4. Try the Valsalva maneuver (breathing out forcefully while closing your mouth and pinching your nostrils).
  5. Use a saline spray to clear out nasal passages.

What vitamins help Eustachian tube dysfunction?

Vitamin A, C, and E The antioxidants in these vitamins prevent damage to health cells, making all three of these essential vitamins for ear health. Vitamin C also bolsters the immune system, which can reduce the risk of pesky ear infections.

Can a heating pad help a blocked Eustachian tube?

Yawning and chewing gum also may help. You may hear or feel a pop when the tubes open. To ease ear pain, apply a warm washcloth or a heating pad set on low. There may be some drainage from the ear when the heat melts earwax.