How do you exit a helicopter?

How do you exit a helicopter? Exiting the helicopter - Do not remove your seatbelt until your pilot instructs you to do so or a designated person has opened the door and motioned you to exit. Be sure you put your hat and gloves on before you exit. Loosely fitting hats should be stored in a pocket. Hang on tightly to any personal items.

Do you need to crouch when leaving a helicopter?

It is good practice to crouch while exiting the helicopter if the rotors are turning. Many helicopter rotor systems can dip well below 6 feet from the ground level, which can potentially contact a person or object on the ground.

Do you approach a helicopter uphill or downhill?

General Helicopter Safety Rules: Never approach or depart from the rear of the helicopter - approach from the front. Never walk around the tail rotor. Never rush. If the helicopter is on a sloped surface, approach from the downhill side, never from the uphill side due to the angle of the rotor.