How do you decongest before a flight?

How do you decongest before a flight? If you have sinus pressure during flights then you should bring along a decongestant spray (Oxymetazoline or Phenylephrine), found in the nasal aisle at the drug store, and use it approximately one hour before a flight of any duration.

Can you fly with a head cold?

It is recommended that if you have a cold that you do not fly; this should be enforced by airlines in the case of aircrew, and aircrew are required to self-report any symptoms of cold, flu, or similar.

How long before a flight do you take Sudafed?

1. About one hour before expected descent, take a decongestant (such as Sudafed- 12hr). 2. About 30 minutes before the flight use a nasal spray (such as Afrin or Neo-Synephrine).

What is the best decongestant to take before flying?

1. About one hour before expected descent, take a decongestant (such as Sudafed- 12hr). 2. About 30 minutes before the flight use a nasal spray (such as Afrin or Neo-Synephrine).

Why do you need Afrin before flying?

A second intervention is topical Afrin nasal spray. Afrin is sold over the counter and contains Oxymetazoline, a chemical which causes blood vessels to constrict and will ultimately reduce swelling to help keep your sinuses and Eustachian tubes open.

Should I take mucinex before a flight?

With a doctor's approval, adults can take a decongestant. “If it's a short flight, take it [the decongestant] before leaving,” House says. If it's a long flight, eight hours or so, you might take it an hour or so before the scheduled landing.

Should I use Flonase before flying?

With the right preparation, your in-flight experience can be allergy-free and clear for landing before you leave the ground. So, to help keep the friendly skies friendly, be sure to use your favorite FLONASE allergy relief nasal spray the morning of your flight.

Is it OK to fly with sinus congestion?

As a general rule, flying with a sinus infection and a congested nose is not advised. Changes in cabin air pressure affect the air inside and outside of your head. As a result, clogged sinuses, which prevent you from equalizing pressure differences, can be excruciatingly painful.

What medications should not be taken before flying?

These include any hormone-based drugs, like the contraceptive pill and some fertility medicines, and drugs used to prevent heart attack and stroke. Antihistamines should also not be used to help passengers sleep during a flight.

How do you relieve head pressure on a plane?

If you start to notice this pressure building, you can try some of these strategies:
  1. Take an antihistamine if needed before your flight. ...
  2. Yawn or swallow during takeoff.
  3. Try chewing a piece of gum or candy during takeoff, if yawning and swallowing don't work for you.