How do you deal with unruly students on a bus?

How do you deal with unruly students on a bus?

If drivers in your school bus fleet are complaining of rebellious or unruly behavior, here are a few tips to help get students under control!
  1. Defer some discipline power to the drivers. ...
  2. Establish a passenger code of conduct. ...
  3. Use positive reinforcement. ...
  4. Be consistent about consequences.

What is the safest way to handle unruly behavior on the bus?

Dangerous behavior should never be ignored. If there is dangerous behavior on the bus, the best recourse is to pull over and call for help? via two-way radio or cell phone to the bus depot, or even by yelling for assistance from the window. If necessary, you may need to get other students away from the offender.

How do you discipline students on a bus?

You tell them, 'If you don't sit down, you'll have to sit in the front part of the bus, next to me. ' Generally, when they're up front, the driver can see them better and can compliment them when they do something well. If reseating them doesn't work, then you escalate the punishment,” he says.

How do you control extreme behavior on a school bus?

When you see bad behavior, gently redirect each child and let them know that they will be rewarded with the privilege to choose their own seats only if they respect the rules of the bus. If students continue to misbehave, have them sit in a designated seat that is always empty for a defined period.

How do you handle students on a bus?

11 Strategies for Managing Student Behavior on the School Bus
  1. Set Up Clear Rules. ...
  2. Keep the Rules Consistent. ...
  3. Acknowledge Positive Conduct. ...
  4. Maintain Your Composure. ...
  5. Swiftly Address Issues. ...
  6. Implement Assigned Seating. ...
  7. Use Non-Verbal Communication. ...
  8. Listen Actively.

How do you get over school bus anxiety?

Plan Bus Activities Have them write a story or put their feelings to paper. Other good bus activities include crossword puzzles, reading, and coloring. Talk to the bus driver about why it's important for your child to have access to these activities en route.