How do you count longest train in ticket to ride?

How do you count longest train in ticket to ride? The longest route includes all the red trains (50 trains) and does not include all the blue trains of the smaller routes branching off. Note that the branches do not count although they are connected. The Trans America Express (worth 10 points) card in Ticket To Ride is awarded to the player with the longest route.

How much are stations worth in Ticket to Ride Europe?

Also, every station you don't build gives 4 points. Stations are only officially used in Europe, where they are vital due to the shape and distribution of the map, however they can easily be house-ruled onto almost any map to ease congestion or to combat blocking.

How long does it take a 100 car train to stop?

The average freight train consisting of 100 cars and weighing anywhere from 12 million to 20 million pounds takes over a mile to stop in emergency braking.

What is the longest train ever recorded?

The Australian BHP Iron Ore is the longest train ever recorded in history at approximately 4.6 miles (7.353 km). In the Pilbara region of Western Australia, BHP owns and runs the Mount Newman railway. This is a private rail network designed to transport iron ore.

What is the longest continuous path rule in Ticket to Ride?

The longest continuous path consists of just the eight trains along those four routes. This is confirmed through play with multiple groups and through use of the official electronic version.

What are the GREY routes in Ticket to Ride?

Some routes – those that are Gray colored – can be claimed using a set of cards of any one color. When a route is claimed, the player places one of his plastic trains in each of the spaces of the route. All the cards in the set used to claim the route are then discarded. A player may claim any open route on the board.

Can you use the same train ticket for a later train?

Generally speaking, most tickets are valid for a specific train only and cannot be used for any other service. However, some companies may offer flexible tickets that allow you to take an earlier or later service if available.

Do train stations count for longest train in ticket to ride?

Rules say that stations, and the opponents' routes they may provide access to, do not count for the purpose of computing paths and claiming the longest one.

What happens if you tie for longest train in ticket to ride?

If two (or more) players are tied for the longest train, then they each score 10 points. The player with the most points wins the game. In the unlikely event that two or more players are tied for first place, the player who has completed the most destination tickets is the winner.

What happens when you reach 100 in Ticket to Ride?

If you have 100 points otherwise, your score is 110 if you complete the route, and 90 if you don't. There is no middle ground. The 10-point longest route bonus is really just an incidental bonus. I don't think 10-points is enough to alter a destination route strategy to pursue it.

How many cars is considered a long train?

It all depends on the amount of cars available for a typical train on any given day. Local short haul trains might only have a few cars like anywhere from 5 to 25, while long haul freight trains, with locomotives only on the head end of the train, typically have anywhere from 75 to 130 or more cars.