How do you compliment a landing?

How do you compliment a landing? Nice landing” would be the biggest compliment, in my humble opinion. That's because taking off and cruising are much easier to accomplish than landing. It's the landing - especially in bad weather - that separates the men from the boys.

What do you say after landing?

Make shortly after landing, once the engine noise has subsided. “Ladies and gentlemen, [Airline Name] welcomes you to [city]. The local time is [time]. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle(s) clear until we are parked at the gate.

What do pilots usually say before landing?

Before, or during the descent, the Captain will usually make an announcement with local time and temperature at the destination airport, and time left until arrival. It is followed by an announcement from the flight attendant. ... “Flight attendants, prepare for landing please.”

Are plane landings always rough?

The normal sink rate of an aircraft on landing is two to three feet per second; when a pilot lands at seven to eight feet per second, it will feel harder than normal. Pilots have been known to report it as a hard landing, Brady explained, even though the landing was within the prescribed limits.

What are some pilot sayings?

Pilots Have Their Own Secret Language. Here's What They're Really Saying
  • “Let's kick the tires and light the fires” ...
  • “Feet wet” ...
  • “We've got a deadhead crew flying to Chicago” ...
  • “There's a pilot in the jumpseat” ...
  • “It's 17:00 Zulu time” ...
  • “George is flying the plane now” ...
  • “We're flying through an air pocket”

What do flight attendants say when they find you attractive?

When you're standing there going 'buh-bye, thank you, take care' etc when you see someone you fancy, you say 'cheerio'. Cheerio!

What do pilots feel about clapping when landing?

But if you've ever felt compelled to applaud the pilot for landing safely, think again. Pilots actually hate it when passengers clap. According to a Q&A on internet forum Quora, Scott Kinder, who identified himself as a 737 captain of a major US airline, said it is ignorant. “Don't even think about it.