How do toll roads work in Germany?

How do toll roads work in Germany? German motorways are tolled only for vehicles with a total weight of 7.5 t and more. Tolls are paid with the help of an on-board unit or a subscription for the selected route in the terminal, mobile application or at

Can I buy a German vignette online?

There are 10-day, 2-month, and annual vignettes. These stickers must be visibly stuck to the front windshield. You can purchase vignettes online on the ASFINAG website. Alternatively, you can buy a vignette from gas stations in Germany.

Why are tolls so expensive in Japan?

“I'd just drive around it”--which means an extra 50 miles. Highway officials say the reason for high tolls is simple: It takes money to build on Japan's expensive, mountainous, earthquake-prone terrain. And reliance on loans instead of taxes means the money has to be paid back, with interest.

What is the fine for not having the Austrian vignette?

What's the Fine if I'm Caught Without a Vignette in Austria? A spot fine of €120 is to be paid if you're unable to show proof of a valid vignette in Austria. And if there's evidence that you tampered with a toll sticker, you'll have to cough up €240.

How do toll roads work in Europe?

Several European countries have toll road payment done in the form of toll stickers affixed to the car's front window, which are valid for a certain amount of time.

Which EU countries have tolls?

Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania and Montenegro have sticker toll systems. Drivers must purchase the stickers and affix them to the windshield of their car before driving on a motorway.

What is the most expensive toll road in the world?

The Pennsylvania Turnpike, with an expanse of 360 miles, is the most expensive toll road in the world. Commercial vehicles, such as trucks, are particularly hard-hit, often incurring costs exceeding $200, depending on their route specifics.