How do rivers pull you under?

How do rivers pull you under? The most common reasons for undertow are currents surface runoff, streams or rivers entering the main channel, obstructions or barriers under the surface, temperature changes in the water between the river bottom and surface, and underwater geology ( sandy, rocky, silty river bottoms), underwater holes or caves, rapids ...

Where is the current strongest in a river?

1. Toward the middle of a river, water tends to flow fastest; toward the margins of the river it tends to flow slowest. 2. In a meandering river, water will tend to flow fastest along the outside bend of a meander, and slowest on the inside bend.

Are there undercurrents in a lake?

Underwater currents can form in lakes, rivers and oceans, and there are many reasons why they happen.

Is it safe to swim in a river?

Swimming in rivers can be dangerous for a few reasons. Rivers can be very deep and have strong currents, which can make it difficult to stay afloat. Rivers can also be filled with debris such as branches, rocks, and even snakes, which can cause injuries.