How do pilots know how much fuel they need?

How do pilots know how much fuel they need? If you just want something simple, just look up the average fuel consumption for the aircraft type (in gallons per hour), and multiply that by the duration of the flight. Although airlines have more sophisticated tools to plan refuelling, this is how GA pilots estimate how much fuel there should be in the tank.

Do pilots check fuel before take off?

One of the first things we learn to do on an aircraft preflight is check the fuel. Using a fuel cup, we draw a sample from each fuel drain or sump, check the color (blue for 100 LL), and check for water and other contaminants. Usually, this does the job, but a few problems can go undetected by this simple fuel check.

Can pilots dump fuel?

On many larger commercial airplanes, a special nozzle is fitted to the wing. If a pilot deems it necessary, the system pumps fuel out of the nozzle into the atmosphere quickly – we're talking about a few tons per minute in most cases. It may look dramatic, but it's not a dangerous procedure.

How do airlines make money?

Airlines are in business to make money and even though they may be on the receiving end of government bailouts from time to time, the bulk of their revenue comes from travelers. Aside from the cost of tickets themselves, airlines can also collect fees from passengers that help to add to their profit margins.

How much profit does a flight make?

Next time you board a flight, just imagine you're putting a $20 bill in the airline's tip jar. Profit per passenger at the seven largest U.S. airlines averaged $19.65 over the past four years—record-setting profitable years for airlines. In 2017, it stood at $17.75, based on airline earnings reports.

Why do pilots dump fuel before landing?

In the event of an emergency requiring a return to the departure airport, the aircraft circles nearby in order to consume fuel to get down to within the maximum structural landing weight limit, or, if the situation demands, simply land overweight without delay.

What happens if a plane lands with too much fuel?

If the aircraft tried to land without dumping the fuel first, it is considered an overweight landing attempt and could place immense stress on the airframe. It could also increase the risk of fire and fuel leaking onto the tarmac.

Do planes dump fuel every flight?

Airlines find that fuel dumping can actually be cheaper than not dumping in certain circumstances. But it's not something pilots do on a routine basis. We spoke with Alison Duquette, spokesperson for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), who assured us that it doesn't happen very often.