How do people greet each other in Maldives?

How do people greet each other in Maldives? When meeting a local for the first time, a handshake is the most common form of greeting, accompanied by the Arabic expression 'Assalaam Alaikum', which can be roughly translated to “Peace be upon you” in English.

What are the social rules in the Maldives?

Respect local customs and dress conservatively, especially when visiting a mosque. Women should cover their heads and shoulders and neither men nor women should wear shorts. Alcoholic drinks are available on the resort islands, but not elsewhere.

Is Maldives tourist friendly?

Maldives - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution
Exercise increased caution in Maldives due to terrorism. Country Summary: Terrorist groups may conduct attacks with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities.

Can you hold hands in public in Maldives?

For straight and LGBTQ couples alike, public displays of affection on non-resort islands such as Malé City are considered extremely offensive and may result in punitive action. This includes behavior like hand holding and kissing.

Are Maldives people friendly?

Maldivians are friendly and polite people, and a handshake is the most common form of greeting when you meet them. However, the Maldives is also a Muslim country and the population strictly follows the Islamic religion and social rules.

Can you wear flip flops in Maldives?

Most visitors wear flip-flops or sandals during the day. Check with your particular resort for any additional rules, some of the more upscale resorts have stricter dress codes. It's also important to note that nudity is not allowed in the Maldives so topless sunbathing is prohibited.

Can I wear sleeveless in Maldives?

Keep in mind that wearing anything too revealing is against the law in Maldives. This is enforced in public locations. In most cases, as long as women cover their shoulders and thighs, this is sufficient to be in line with the rules. However, avoid cleavage issues as well.