How do I use my IC card on the bus in Japan?

How do I use my IC card on the bus in Japan? Touch your card to the reader with the IC symbol. Simply passing your PASMO PASSPORT over the reader will not work. If the card cannot be read, you will hear an electronic beep beep beep beep and the reader will flash red. Touch your card to the reader again.

Can you use IC card on bus?

Train and Bus Fares Both JR and private railway companies use IC cards, subways use IC cards, and most buses accept IC cards. There are some buses in more rural areas that do not offer this payment method, but in larger cities they are widely used. Long distance buses also require a paper ticket rather than an IC card.

How do I use my IC card on Kyoto bus?

Inform the bus driver of the bus stop where you got on the bus. Follow the bus driver's instructions and place your IC card on the scanner. Please pay the remaining fare with cash. Change is not available.

Can you take luggage on buses in Japan?

All carry-on luggage must fit into the overhead rack or under your seat. Please note that some seats have heaters under them, which may cause that area to heat up considerably. In some cases, the check-in crew or the bus driver may ask you to put your carry-on luggage in the trunk.

Can I use my IC card for Shinkansen?

Just touch your IC card to the ticket gate and board the Shinkansen. A payment for the Shinkansen fare will be made from your registered credit card when making a reservation (not deducted from the balance of your IC card).

Can tourists get IC card in Japan?

Welcome Suica: An IC Card for Foreign Visitors The Welcome Suica is an IC card for short-term foreign visitors to Japan.

How do you tap on a bus in Japan?

Head to the front of the bus and tap your IC card against the reader near the driver. Otherwise, put your ticket and the exact fare in the box near the driver. If you do not have the exact change, there is a machine that dispenses smaller coins.

Should I buy my JR Pass in Japan?

Unless you plan to ride a LOT of JR trains during your trip, you'll almost certainly save money by buying individual train tickets instead a Japan Rail Pass. You can buy shinkansen tickets online (before or after arrival) on the Tokaido, Sanyo and Kyushu lines (between Tokyo,Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima and Hakata).

Which is better Suica or JR Pass?

The JR pass is only worth it if you travel through different cities, if you are just travelling to Tokyo to Kyoto for example, I would just pay on the Suica. You can do the online calculator or just use google to calculate which trip is easier - paying individually on Suica or getting a JR Pass.