How do I unclog my ear after flying?

How do I unclog my ear after flying? Chewing gum, sucking on candy, or swallowing liquid can help to encourage the tubes in your ears to open once more. Try steam: Just like when you're congested with a cold or flu, steam can help to unblock your ears.

Why is my ear clogged 3 days after flying?

It's all due to pressure changes. As the plane starts to lose height, the pressure in the air around you changes. Until the pressure inside the tubes behind your eardrum adapts, the pressure inside and outside your ear is different.

Can you damage your ears from flying?

Noise From Planes Can Damage Your Hearing If you are on a particularly long flight or are a frequent traveler, your ears may be at risk. The good news is there are several easy ways to protect your hearing on flights: Put in earplugs. Use noise-canceling headphones.

How long will my ears be clogged after a flight?

Many symptoms ease as soon as your eustachian tubes can manage air or water pressure changes. In some cases, you may need medication to manage congestion or inflammation. In that case, it may be a few days before your ears feel normal.