How do I track hotel occupancy?

How do I track hotel occupancy? How to calculate a hotel occupancy rate? The hotel occupancy rate is calculated by dividing the number of occupied rooms at any given time by the total number of available rooms. For example, if there are 100 rooms and 25 are occupied, then the hotel's occupancy rate would be 25%.

What happens if you bring more guests to a hotel?

For example, a hotel may allow two guests in a standard room but charge an additional fee for a third person. However, if you book a suite or a room with multiple beds, the hotel may allow more occupants without any extra charge.

What is hotel occupancy report?

The Occupancy report is an averaging projection report which estimates performance based on availability. It provides a detailed monthly or yearly overview of your item availability, number of bookings, unbooked availability, average occupancy, and a few data points related to average revenue and actual revenue.

What does occupancy percentage tell the owner of a hotel?

Occupancy rate in hotels is an important KPI for hotel revenue management in order to understand how many of the available rooms are actually being used. Furthemore, knowing this number can help you better understand important information about your hotel.