How do I say have a nice trip?

How do I say have a nice trip?

But if you're looking to make your sentiment feel more meaningful, here are some alternative phrases to try:
  1. 1) Stay safe up there ...
  2. 2) Safe travels ...
  3. 3) Bon voyage ...
  4. 4) Fly safe! ...
  5. 5) Have a wonderful trip ...
  6. 6) Happy travels! ...
  7. 7) See you soon ...
  8. 8) Cheerio!

How do I tell her safe travels?

Enjoy the journey wishes
  1. Bon Voyage and get there safe.
  2. Safe Travels.
  3. Enjoy your journey.
  4. Get there safe and sound.
  5. Wishing you a safe journey and a relaxing holiday when you arrive.
  6. May your journey be free from stress and bring you home safely.

How do you say I hope your trip was good?

The sentence I hope you had a good trip is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you are expressing your hope that someone had a pleasant experience while traveling. For example, you might say, I hope you had a good trip to the beach last week. How was it?.

What is another word for friends trip?

friendcation. As you might have guessed, the term friendcation refers to a vacation spent with friends.

How do you use nice trip in a sentence?

The most eerie part of the trip was the journey home. She is averaging nearly one foreign trip a week. Our trip through the night lasted a little over an hour. It is transportation of waste that often trips us up.

Have a safe flight message to a friend?

Short and sweet safe flight wishes
  • “Wishing you a relaxing time in the sky!”
  • “Looking forward to hearing about your trip!”
  • “Can't wait to see you when you get back. ...
  • “Wishing you a safe and joyful journey ahead.”
  • “Stay happy. ...
  • “Don't forget to send a postcard!”

What does have a nice trip mean?

“Have a nice trip”: enjoy yourself, hope you have no travel difficulties, take lots of photos, visit the wonderful sites to see, relax, eat in great restaurants, take in a concert, take what the hosts will give you. “Have a safe trip”: a little more specific. Come back healthy with no injury or illness.