How do I report an airline to the FAA?

How do I report an airline to the FAA?

Your report may be submitted via:
  1. FAA Hotline Web Form.
  2. Mail: Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Audit and Evaluation. 800 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20591. Attn: AAE-300, Room 911.

What is the most common FAA violation?

Some of the most commonly violated airline regulations include the following: Expired licenses: Just like a driver's license, pilot licenses can expire. It is imperative that both pilots and the airlines who employ them ensure that all licenses are up-to-date and valid.

Who enforces FAA rules?

The Aviation Litigation Division (AGC-300) is the legal enforcement office of the FAA, providing legal services related to the Agency's aviation regulatory compliance and legal enforcement programs.

What can I say to complain about an airline?

A good complaint should have proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. You should start by spelling out exactly what went wrong where, in no more than two paragraphs. If you are a particularly frequent or loyal traveler, mention your status.

What is the most common complaint about airlines?

Difficulties getting refunds were the top complaints in 2022, according to the report. Flight problems, including delays and cancellations, were second. Lost, damaged or pilfered luggage was the third-most common complaint.

How do I take legal action against an airline?

Besides suing in small claims court you can also file a complaint against an airline with the DOT. The DOT's Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (ACPD) reviews and responds to consumer complaints against airlines.

Can you anonymously report someone to the FAA?

Complaints may involve FAA employees or organizations, the aviation industry or its oversight and aviation safety. The FHIS allows for the reporting of these incidents anonymously. The FHIS collects personally identifiable information (PII) from individuals named in complaints and reporting parties.

What are the 5 things the FAA regulates?

Our Activities
  • Safety Regulation. ...
  • Airspace and Air Traffic Management. ...
  • Air Navigation Facilities. ...
  • Civil Aviation Abroad. ...
  • Commercial Space Transportation. ...
  • Research, Engineering, and Development. ...
  • Other Programs. ...
  • Organization.

What is an FAA whistleblower?

This includes testifying or assisting in a proceeding against the employer relating to a violation or alleged violation of any order, regulation, or standard of the Federal Aviation Administration or any other Federal law relating to air carrier safety.

Can the FAA send you to jail?

No one goes to jail in a FAA enforcement action. It is simply monetary or I am going to take your pilot's license.

Does complaining about an airline do anything?

DOT requires airlines to acknowledge consumer complaints within 30 days of receiving them and to send consumers written responses addressing these complaints within 60 days of receiving them (30 days for disability-related complaints). DOT also asks that ticket agents respond to consumer who file complaints with them.

Can you sue an airline and win?

Yes, there are many circumstances under which you may rightfully sue an airline. Common situations giving rise to airline complaints include: Personal Injury. Physical and Emotional Distress.

Can I sue an airline for emotional distress?

Mishaps on airlines can result in severe emotional distress for passengers, even when they don't suffer physical injuries. When passengers fear for their lives due to some type of airline mishap, they can sue an airline for emotional distress to receive compensation.

What is the most effective way to complain about an airline?

It's often best to email or write to the airline's consumer office at its corporate headquarters. DOT requires airlines that fly to, from, or within the United States to state on their websites how and where complaints can be submitted.