How do I prepare my body for a long distance hike?

How do I prepare my body for a long distance hike? Cardio: increasing your cardio endurance through activities such as walking, running, swimming, and cycling will help you hike long distances. Dynamic stretches: dynamic stretches, such as leg swinging and trunk twists, are a useful way to warm up your joints and muscles before any cardio activity.

Is hiking better than the gym?

When you hike, you train your body to work as it is designed. This involves lots of muscles all working in synergy, adapting to the situation as required. Gyms often lack this by exercising muscles in only one motion (take the classic bicep curl, for example).

Why am I so exhausted after hiking?

Fatigue while hiking is normal and a few reasons why you might feel exhausted after hiking are: You're undernourished and didn't fuel up properly. You were dehydrated, failing to replenish electrolytes lost in sweat. You drank alcohol the night before, which can promote dehydration.