How do I pay for parking at York Hospital?

How do I pay for parking at York Hospital? Payment can be made by cash, card, apple pay, android pay or by downloading the Glide parking App. You will need to input your vehicle registration details at the time of payment. Visitors are required to pay for parking between 8.00am and 8.00pm.

Where can I park for free in York?

Where can you park in York for free?
  • Coppergate Centre YO1 9NX – 2 hours maximum stay.
  • Bishopthorpe Road YO23 1NA – 2 hours maximum stay.
  • Foss Island Retail Park YO31 7UR – 2 hours maximum stay (customers only)
  • East Parade YO31 7YJ – 2 hours maximum stay.

How do you pay at York Long Stay car park?

Long stay car parks are those which allow all day parking, as well as parking for multiple consecutive days. Parking for multiple days is usually arranged through the Pay By Phone service, or by using one of our season tickets.

How high can you park at York Hospital?

If your vehicle is higher than the MSCP height limit of 2.1 metres (approximately 6 foot 8 inches), or you are not able to use the MSCP for any other reason, please speak to the Security Team for further assistance by calling 01904 721241.

How do I pay my park and ride in York?

How can I pay for my Park & Ride journey? Find a parking space and park your car free of charge. Then, simply board the next bus into town and pay the driver with cash or contactless debit/credit card.

How do you pay for parking with your phone?

How it works
  1. Download the app. Download the app from the Google Play or App Store. ...
  2. Enter location number. In the app, enter the location number of where you have parked, which you can find on parking signage.
  3. Enter parking duration. Next, add how long you wish to park for. ...
  4. Extend your parking session anytime.