How do I fix the Disney plus glitch?

How do I fix the Disney plus glitch?

Troubleshooting playback and streaming issues
  1. Confirm your streaming device is supported.
  2. Check your internet connection.
  3. Test other apps on your device.
  4. Restart your Disney+ app.
  5. Power off your device.
  6. Update your device operating system.
  7. Clear the cached data on your device.
  8. Uninstall and reinstall Disney+

What is Disney error code 73?

To protect region-locked content, the website tries to detect connections established via a VPN, and if you get caught, you'll see the error screen pop up whenever you try to watch a video or movie. If you are using a VPN, the simplest way to get rid of error code 73 is by temporarily disabling your VPN.